Monday, March 14, 2016
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The Jim Buchanan Novels are a series of mystery and suspense tales that take place in present-day, western Montana. County Sheriff Jim Buchanan, a mixed-blood, Native American returns to his roots to begin a career in law enforcement while battling prejudice, the natural elements, and his own self-doubt. Relying on his determination and strong moral compass, he blazes his own trail in what some still consider the wildest country in the lower 48 states.
Dear Creator, please provide me with the strength to endure, the wisdom to decide, the love to care, and the humility to laugh.
The Mishi-maya-gat
Spoken Word & Music Series
Announcing a New Monthly Arts Series at MCC
"The Mishi-maya-gat Spoken Word & Music Series"
[Mishi-maya-gat is the Algonquian term for “Great Trail System,” a network of foot paths created by the native tribes of
Featuring Live Music, a Spoken Word Open Mic, a Featured Poet/Writer, and Refreshments.
The series will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Fireside Commons.
All events are free and open to the public and MCC students, staff & faculty.
Those wishing to participate in the Spoken Word Open Mic may sign up for a brief time slot upon arrival. Poems and short prose pieces are welcomed.
Sponsored by the MCC Foundation.
Hosted by Stephen Campiglio.
About Our Next Performers - May 10, 2007
Poetry and Fiction by MCC Student Writers
Poetry and Fiction by MCC Student Writers will feature two poets from each of MCC’s Credit and Credit-Free poetry workshops and two fiction writers from the Credit-Free fiction workshop. The featured students are: from “Creative Writing: Poetry” (taught by Stephen Straight), Edgar Kunz, a Manchester native and freshman in the Liberal Arts major, who plans to transfer to a four-year college after his associate’s degree; and Lisa Butler, of Glastonbury, who is currently studying sculpture and printmaking in addition to poetry, and before returning to college also worked as a jeweler, puppeteer, and contract manager in the recording industry; from “Poetry for Poets” (taught by John Surowiecki), Julia Paul, an attorney in private practice in Manchester, has published poems in Angelface, Broken Bridge Review, Connecticut River Review, and Judith’s Table; and Judy Merrill, a retired attorney who worked for the Attorney General's office, attended Rice University and the University of Connecticut Law School and has been writing poetry for many years; and from “Writing the Examined Life” (taught by Jordon Pecile), Felix Giordano, of Ashford, is seeking a publisher for his recently completed novel on Indian life; and Esther McCune, a retired high school teacher in Glastonbury, who writes stories about the Holocaust and German immigrants.
With Music by: Tim Maynard
Tim Maynard, classical guitarist and graduate of the Hartt School of Music, performing works of Barrios, Villa-Lobos,
Upcoming Performers
Upcoming Events: The Mishi-maya-gat Spoken Word & Music Series, designed to run during the school year, will not schedule events for June, July and August. The Series will return for its second season in September. Please check this web page over the summer for more details.
Last Update: April 30 2007
For Additional Information Contact: Stephen Campiglio
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